1 Mar

The good, the bad – and the plain silly of Eurovision


Lordi: Finland's first, and to date only, Eurovision winners

FROM THE country that gave us Lordi – winners in 2006 – this year’s Eurovision contest will feature some rocky East Finnish folk from the Moon Whisperers (Kuunkuiskaajat). […]


7 Feb

Birthday celebrations at MC Cafe

Roddys birthday pics 119

RODDY SHASHOUA jetted in from Miami to celebrate his birthday at Marbella’s MC Café, where 80 guests enjoyed a sparkling champagne reception followed by a superb three-course lunch. Entertainers Carlos and Pilar performed great hits from the ‘70s and ‘80s, as guests took to the floor to dance the afternoon away. […]

CAGE fighting in MARBELLA

1 Feb

International combatants in one-to-one bouts

cage 1MIXED MARTIAL ARTS (MMA), as cage fighting is officially known, was born in Brazil. The martial art of Brazilian Ju Jitsu was at the forefront of this one-to-one combat, a style that was and still is led by the Gracie family. In the early days the fighting art was known as “Vale Tudo”, Portuguese for “anything valid”. […]

Our Blozzers

27 Jan











5 Dec

Uhh, but what about that other one, the World thingy?

Felipe Ortiz, Luciano Alonso and Keith Waters (Photo: Juan José Úbeda)

Best Friends For(now): Felipe Ortiz-Patiño, Luciano Alonso and Keith Waters (Photo: Juan José Úbeda)


MAYBE IT WAS the winter chill drifting across the peninsular, causing temporary memory loss. Perhaps it was a simple oversight by an inattentive press secretary? Or, more likely, it was a deliberately and carefully calculated way of saying, “Toma ya! (loosely translated as “Up yours!”). […]


20 Jul

And who are you?


FOR MOST OF US it has become a daily intrusion: those infuriatingly persistent calls from mobile and other phone operators trying to hawk their services, blithely ignoring our protestations that we have better things to do with our time – and, by the way, don’t call again you cretin! […]

About OzinSpain

20 Jul


This is Just a Bloz!

It is not meant to be taken too seriously… except when articles are offered for sale or editorial services are commissioned, as El Oz’s mortgage payments have to be maintained every month (Editorial Services).

Its bloz contents are, in the most part, the musings of a frazzled mind – and, sometimes, other frazzled minds.

It is a bridge between two diverse cultures: the rugged, blokey Australia of beer, caramelised barbecue meat and rugby league; and the spontaneous, free-living Spain of vino tinto, paella and fútbol.

Its politics are social-liberal-progressive-pragmatic (whatever that means) with a lurch to the right on economic issues.

It is gently irreverent and healthily sceptical.

It is decidedly non-PC, without being offensive.

It is eternally optimistic.

It is a middle-aged man’s eternal quest for the perfect-fitting jeans.

It is sixtysomething male angst.

It is 1957 revisited all over again.

It is Marbella Vice versus Sydney Surf.

It is, essentially, a load of cobblers – but hopefully a bit of fun as well.


Editorial Services

20 Jul provides…

Professional editing and proof-reading (magazines / books / brochures / business correspondence)

Translations (Spanish to English)

Feature writing

Leaders and columns

Website content

PR and marketing copy

Press releases

Business presentations


Press conferences (simultaneous translations)

Memoirs (ghostwriter)

What We Offer

Crisis-busting rates

Rigorous editing

Idiomatic and figurative translations

Versatile writing

Broad spectrum of subject matter

Specialist knowledge of Spanish current affairs and politics – and golf in Spain

Hinterland HAVENS

20 Jul

Discovering the idyllic charms of Spain

tarifa 1



THERE ARE few more pleasant places to live than on the Costa del Sol, but sometimes you just want to get away from it all for a long weekend. Our trip away on this occasion takes us to Puerto de Santa María, just past Cádiz capital city, with various stopovers along the Tarifa coast.


El OZ in Spain

20 Jul

no standing

BORN IN SYDNEY in 1957, Peter Leonard (aka El Oz) began his journalistic career in 1978 with the Bundaberg Newspaper Company in Queensland (Australia).

He worked as a reporter, feature writer, sports correspondent, sub-editor and columnist on weekly and daily newspapers before travelling to Europe late in 1984 and settling on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.

From 1985 to 1992, he was editor of the Costa Golf monthly magazine, and during 1993 edited the Sunday Sun weekly newspaper, also based on the Costa del Sol; while helping to re-brand Skål News, the members’ magazine of global tourism association Skål International.

He spent 1994 as a freelance contributor to local, national (Spain) and international publications, specialising in golf in Spain; as well as co-publisher of the Coastal Times weekly newspaper.

From January 1995 to August 2000 he was editor of The Reporter, a monthly, general-interest magazine for English-speaking expatriates in Spain, before becoming managing editor, then co-publisher of Sun Print Publications, publisher of The Reporter, until August 2002.

From 1995, he also was responsible for compiling and upgrading the editorial material for GolfinSpain.comgolf ball

At the start of 2002, he helped launch the Costa Press Club, and was elected (and remains) the inaugural treasurer.

From February 2003 to January 2004 he was editor of Hot Properties, a monthly property and lifestyle magazine published by Costa del Sol real estate agency Viva Estates.

In April 2004 he joined Marbella-based H! Society magazine as production editor, and was appointed editor in December. When the magazine was acquired by London-based international publishing company TPC, he helped establish a Mallorca edition of H! Society in 2006 (later becoming group editor of that edition); and the following year took over as editor of the company’s new homes and interiors magazine, Beautiful Living España.

When H! Society and Beautiful Living España ceased publication in April 2009, he resumed his freelance career, while setting up a professional editorial services business – including the development of this digital media project

His main clients included the magazines Home & Lifestyle (property, décor, design and lifestyle, covering southern Spain) and Andalucía Golf/España Golf (Spanish-English), as well as From 2019 he also was a contributing editor for a UK-based SEO and digital marketing company that publishes several travel-based websites around Europe.

Peter Leonard retired in May 2024, and currently enjoys languid days as an old-age pensioner reading, sipping Matcha tea, brewing Kombucha, baking lamingtons, keeping two cats (Maggie and Betty) company, learning to play the guitar, playing pádel tennis, tending to a modest market garden on the apartment terrace and watching TV series about Vikings.

The father of a Spanish daughter, Kaili (a qualified nurse), he lives in Fuengirola with his Finnish wife, Katja, who is proprietor of the Vegetalia vegetarian bistro.

OzinSpain Editorial Services




bundy rio