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Australia Day DILEMMA

26 Jan

“Rubbish” or worth celebrating?

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TWO DIVERSE but excellently enunciated views in The Punch about marking “Australia Day” on 26 January…

Δ  Rubbish

Δ  Worth celebrating


21 Jan

BARELY 24 HOURS after releasing a digitally manipulated image of how Osama Bin Laden might look these days, the portrait was withdrawn from the official page of the Rewards for Justice program ($25 million reward for the Al Qaeda leader) after the FBI admitted it had been based on an electoral photo of Spanish Izquierda Unida parliamentarian and former leader Gaspar Llamazares.
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Gaspar Llamazares  FBI director Robert Mueller  Osama Bin Laden

The TABLOID Marbella

12 Jan

HACKNEYED and shallow? Just a pleasant little jolly for Piers? Or this there any truth to it? You be the judge…


5 Dec

Uhh, but what about that other one, the World thingy?

Felipe Ortiz, Luciano Alonso and Keith Waters (Photo: Juan José Úbeda)

Best Friends For(now): Felipe Ortiz-Patiño, Luciano Alonso and Keith Waters (Photo: Juan José Úbeda)


MAYBE IT WAS the winter chill drifting across the peninsular, causing temporary memory loss. Perhaps it was a simple oversight by an inattentive press secretary? Or, more likely, it was a deliberately and carefully calculated way of saying, “Toma ya! (loosely translated as “Up yours!”). […]

Straight TALKING

20 Jul

A CLASSIC from Australian satirists John Clarke and Brian Dawe…


12 Feb


A TRANSCRIPT of the Federal Parliament’s full apology (in 2008 – finally!) to the “Stolen Generations”…