This is Just a Bloz!
It is not meant to be taken too seriously… except when articles are offered for sale or editorial services are commissioned, as El Oz’s mortgage payments have to be maintained every month (Editorial Services).
Its bloz contents are, in the most part, the musings of a frazzled mind – and, sometimes, other frazzled minds.
It is a bridge between two diverse cultures: the rugged, blokey Australia of beer, caramelised barbecue meat and rugby league; and the spontaneous, free-living Spain of vino tinto, paella and fútbol.
Its politics are social-liberal-progressive-pragmatic (whatever that means) with a lurch to the right on economic issues.
It is gently irreverent and healthily sceptical.
It is decidedly non-PC, without being offensive.
It is eternally optimistic.
It is a middle-aged man’s eternal quest for the perfect-fitting jeans.
It is sixtysomething male angst.
It is 1957 revisited all over again.
It is Marbella Vice versus Sydney Surf.
It is, essentially, a load of cobblers – but hopefully a bit of fun as well.